
VARIANCE - How to calculate variance in excel?

How to calculate variance in excel How to calculate variance in excel?
How to calculate the variance, 
using Excel formulas?

The variance is the "average square deviation of the individual results to their average." Interpretation of variance is difficult due to the fact that the (denominator) unit is  a squared, in which the given characteristic is measured - it can be stated that the higher the variance, the greater the diversity of the population with the trait.

Accordingly - much more reliable measure is the standard deviation -the square root of the variance. In this situation, the interpretation is simple, because the standard deviation does not square the units . It indicates how many average values deviate + / - from the arithmetic mean.

Returning to the variance function (formula), variance used in Excel uses the following formula:

Formula Excel:

VAR ( value1, value2,. ..)

Value1, value2, .. . is from 1 to 255 argument values that correspond to the sample population.


How to add a new WorkSheet in Excel Workbook?

How to insert a new Sheet in an Excel Workbook How to insert a new Sheet 
in an Excel Workbook?

In Excel, instead of putting everything in one Sheet, you can sort out the information and distribute it in several sheets. Therefore, you may need to add a few or even several new sheets.

There are three ways to add a new worksheet to a workbook:
  • Click INSERT SHEET controls to the right of the last tab sheet,

Insert Worksheet - Excel 2010 Screen
Insert Worksheet - Excel 2010 Screen

  • Press buttons SHIFT + F11,
  • Right-click the sheet tabs, and then select INSERT from the shortcut menu. INSERT window open. Activate the GENERAL card. Then click the Wroksheet icon and click OK.

Insert Worksheet - Excel 2010 Screen
Insert Worksheet - Excel 2010 Screen

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